Taking a few minutes to learn about the large intestine will impact your health in so many ways. Our digestion can tell us so much about our health so show it some love and it’ll return the favor!
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Try any of these recipes and more to support your large intestine:
Best Ever Chickpea Salad
Life Changing Loaf of Bread
Adaptogenic Date Shake
Freekeh and Fennel Salad
Morning Meditation
Thai Flavoured Sprouted Lentil Dip
The large intestine also known as the colon, this 5 foot / 1.5 meter organ travels around the edge of the abdomen. It is divided into the caecum with the appendix attached, the ascending colon (which travels up the right side) the transverse colon (which travels horizontally across your middle), the descending colon (which travels down the left side), then the sigmoid colon and rectum.
The large intestine’s main functions are to absorb water and electrolytes from your food, and to form, store and eliminate feces. It also houses trillions of friendly bacteria that help decompose fibre for the body’s energy production, and to produce vitamins.
In Chinese medicine, the colon is the yang organ associated with the element of metal, and the emotions of worry and grief. Feeling these emotions and giving space to process them will help prevent energetic blockages in this area.
Nourish your large intestine with vital, high-fibre foods like fresh fruits and vegetables (cooked or raw), herbs, whole grains, beans and lentils. Fibre encourages healthy bacteria to grow and thrive in the colon, which in turn aids the assimilation of nutrients. Fibre or “roughage” also increases stool bulk, and helps to sweep the large intestine clean, almost like a broom. Drinking enough water, and consuming water-rich foods is also great for supporting colon health and making pooping more comfortable.
Eating too much food at one time can put stress on this organ, as can putting off pooping when you have the urge to go. Constipation can create a backup of toxicity and affect the entire body, creating tension and exhaustion. Aim to poop 1-3 times a day, and avoid holding it! Answer the call of your body’s readiness and natural urges. And since stress and pooping are highly correlated, try your best to create a calming environment to go to the bathroom with plenty of time and space for you.
Be kind to your colon today! Eat some fiber, drink some water, and take an epic dump. Love you!