Grow Your Health

Learn skills, get recipes, get inspired.

My New Roots Grow offers:

  • 100s of exclusive recipes
  • Monthly live Grow Hangs with Sarah
  • Cooking demos
  • Podcast-style interviews
  • Elemental Rhythm Breathwork sessions
  • Professional photography to print at home
  • And so much more… 

Are You Ready to Make Lasting Changes to Lead a Healthier, More Vibrant Life?

My goal with Grow is to curate a space where you can come and learn how to look after yourself on all levels, as deep as you are ready to go.

You’ll learn not only how to cook and develop your skills, but how to ignite the joy of cooking, the joy of growing food, the joy of reconnecting with the nature inside of you, and outside of you, forever becoming your own teacher.

It’s time to live more pleasure-filled, vivacious lives in healthy, holistic, conscious ways. Will you join me?

There's Something for Everyone


All the recipes!
$ 5 Monthly
  • Access to all existing recipes
  • 3-4 new recipes each month
  • Monthly email updates
  • Exclusive discounts and offers


Recipes and holistic living
$ 13 Monthly
  • Access to all existing recipes
  • 3-4 new recipes each month
  • Monthly email updates
  • Growing ingredient encyclopedia
  • Articles about various nutrition topics
  • Downloadable gallery of food photos
  • Access to curated recipe collections


Everything! For whole living and learning
$ 17 Monthly
  • Access to all existing recipes
  • 3-4 new recipes each month
  • Monthly email updates
  • Growing ingredient encyclopedia
  • Articles about various nutrition topics
  • Downloadable gallery of food photos
  • Pre-recorded cooking classes
  • Video nutrition lectures
  • Monthly interviews with experts
  • Access to curated recipe collections
  • One-day retreat programs
  • Movement classes with Mikkala Kissi
  • Breathwork sessions with Sarah
  • Admission to monthly virtual Grow Hangs

Get a full year of Grow

Joining Grow on an annual subscription means you only spend just over $14 / month to receive ALL Grow has to offer. We offer a yearly membership for $170.

 That’s 2 months of the monthly membership for free each year 🙂

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with your membership, simply e-mail
during the first 30 days of your initial purchase and we’ll refund the cost of your membership.
Note, refunds are not given for renewals or for switching tiers. We’d love to hear what would make Grow better for you!

Health is for all of us. If you do not have the resources to pay for My New Roots Grow,

contact us at and we will find a solution that works for you.

What Will I find on Grow?



Welcome to my kitchen!

In my live cooking classes and library with hours of instructional videos, you’ll have a front row seat to see exactly how I make everything from the simplest sauce to the food projects that you’ve been curious to try yourself but weren’t sure where to start. I got you covered!

My approach to cooking is fun and relaxed. I know that after watching, you’ll have the confidence to tackle that batch of kimchi, lentil soup, weeknight dinner, or elaborate celebratory meal! 


Exclusive Recipes

This is the place where you’ll find my latest and greatest creations, passionately developed for the Grow community! Seasonally-inspired, health-promoting, and always
delicious, Grow recipes will live here alone, so you can get the inside scoop on what
I’m cooking and eating all year round.

Inspiring Interviews with Experts

Being in the food and wellness world means that I have a lot of fascinating people in my circle who I want you to know, too! My video interviews go in-depth with farmers, food producers, and wellness practitioners to inspire you to live your most vibrant life.

Blossom membership

Movement, Meditation & Breathwork

Being physically active and connecting to myself on a deeper level is a huge part of my lifestyle. I’ve collaborated with one of my dear friends and biggest inspirations, Mikkala Marilyn Kissi, to bring you movement and meditation videos that will boost your energy, strengthen your body, and calm your mind.

Blossom membership

Downloadable Food & Nature Photos

Back by popular demand, The Gourmet Print Shop – a carefully curated collection of cherished images from my kitchen – lives on Grow, free of charge. Download and print your favourite images to bring life to your walls with stunning, high-resolution gourmet food photography, sure to inspire. Your old favourites are there, plus new prints to be added monthly!

Sprout or Blossom membership

Nutrition Lectures

I am a passionate Holistic Nutritionist and educator, and am excited to guide you to a deeper level of wellness through the videos in this section. Improving digestion, boosting immunity, learning about your organs, and seasonal wellness advice are just a few of lectures offered to keep us all feeling our best – the more you know, the more you care!

Written lectures with Sprout membership and videos with Blosssom membership.


Sarah Britton

After years of celebrating food on my blog and in my cooking classes, I’m thrilled to expand my offerings and share what I know beyond cooking. My education as a Holistic Nutritionist has gifted me with a unique set of skills and knowledge that spans an entire lifestyle, and my goal is to connect you to yourself on a deeper level through the methods that have helped me on my own path.

Movement, meditation, breathwork, connection to nature, and surrounding myself with positive, expansive people that show me what is possible – all of these things have changed my life, and I hope they will change yours too!


Sarah Britton, CNP, founder of My New Roots