I’ve received wonderful feedback about the library videos and I’m so excited to add these to the collection! Books for connecting with the cycles of life for women and woman-identifying people, this list is a treasure trove of information, inspiration, knowledge, and power. I so hope you enjoy these titles as much as I do!

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To access the videos and podcasts, please upgrade your membership
Here are the links for the books mentioned in the video:
The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Women’s Health – Dr. Sat Kaur, Dr. Mary Danylak-Arhanic, Dr. Carolyn Dean
Staying Healthy with the Seasons (referenced in the video) – Dr. Elson Haas
Woman Code – Alisa Vitti
In the Flo – Alisa Vitti
Renegade Beauty – Nadine Artemis (use code: mynewroots15 for 15% off)
The Thirlby – Almila Kakinc-Dodd
The Moon Divas Guidebook – Lara Vesta