Seven Channels of Elimination: Part 3

The body is a powerful, intelligent, perfect creation just the way it is. The Seven Channels lecture series is meant to help you to support your body by removing obstacles that may hinder or inhibit our body as it carries out its many daily cleansing and renewal processes. Our bodies are designed to bring us back to balance consistently without ever taking a day off and we can play a vital role in the ease of this balance through our daily actions.

Part 3 features the lungs, kidneys, and skin channels of elimination.

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A Prayer of Gratitude and Commitment 

Dear body, thank you for being witness to my life. 

For your unwavering accompaniment. 

For the blessing you have offered by keeping me alive, keeping me here on earth, so that I may do the work we came here to do. 

I have faith in our partnership, in our ability to be in right relationship both with each other and with the world around us. I commit to acknowledging and honouring your wisdom, to knowing you better each day. 

I acknowledge your hurt and your pain, so that you no longer need to numb, and invite our community to hold us, so that we may grieve together.

You are my best friend and I am yours.
You are my best friend and I am yours.
You are my best friend. And I am yours. 

by Meenadchi Gunanayagam