Get ready for a simple, sweet, and radically-thoughtful conversation with these two. The minds, hearts, and hands behind Christy Dawn, Christy and Aras are creating not only a line of gorgeous clothing, they are regenerating the soil through supporting those who know how, with consciousness, care, and so much love for people and the planet.
I am honoured to share this conversation with you and hope that it inspires you to think differently about just one aspect of your life and how maybe we could all be a little more kind and thoughtful in our simple, every day lives. Warning, once you start on this journey towards regeneration, you won’t stop 🙂
To access the videos and podcasts, please upgrade your membership
If you prefer to listen, or to download and listen offline, here’s the audio for the Christy Dawn interview:
To access the videos and podcasts, please upgrade your membership
If you’d like to purchase anything from Christy Dawn, I’m proud to offer you my discount: 15SARAHB that will save you 15% off your purchase as well as, reinvest back into the soil that the dress grew out of. You can also be a soil steward and invest in your own plot of land to grow your own dress. Please do check them out – everything they do is… seamless.