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Basic Sourdough Starter


  • 50 g flour Choice of: white / bread, whole wheat, rye, spelt, etc. Must be a gluten-containing flour!
  • 50 g warm / room temp water Un-chlorinated / filtered


  • Mix all together, place in a sealed container or jar and let stand at room temperature (warm) for about 24 hours.
  • You will end up with 100g of a “paste” after this time. Discard ½ of it leaving 50 g of paste and repeat the recipe again, adding 50 g of flour and 50 g of water to it. Mix well and let stand for another 24 hours, covered.
  • Discard all but 50g again and repeat feeding once a day for about 7-10 days, and you should have a viable starter culture.
  • Maintain at slightly above room temperature for extended periods of time or keep in the fridge for inactive periods of baking.


Makes 100-150g of fresh sourdough starter (will grow each active day)